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Registration and Enrolment

  • All pupils are entitled to a no-obligation trial class before committing to classes. If your child does not wish to continue after the trial, let us know so that the place can be offered to the next on our waiting lists. Should we not hear from you within 5 days of trial, the place is rescinded and offered to another.
  • All pupils are automatically re-enrolled in classes every half term unless we receive notice by email to stop classes.
  • For our Preparatory classes parents are welcome to stay for their trial, we are always guided by you as their parent but we encourage you to leave your child with the teacher, even if for a short while for those first 2 lessons. After this we ask that they are left in our care so that they can fully experience the structure of our classes. Contact numbers and medical information we should be aware of is discussed before any trial.
  • To enroll after the trial a Registration Form must be completed to secure your place.

Fees & Invoicing

  • Invoices are issued prior to the start of each half term (there are 6 half terms each year).
  •  Fees are payable by the end of the first week of each half term. Failing that a
    £10 admin fee will be charged.
  • We do not offer refunds or reductions for occasional illness, family holidays etc. Exceptional circumstances would be considered.
  • In the unlikely but unavoidable event that a class has to be cancelled an alternative will be offered. Only if an alternative class is not offered will a refund be given. (Please note it may not be possible to schedule the alternative class on the same day/timeslots as the regular class).
  • In the event of a severe uk weather warning/health epidemic/building venue damage an extension to the term time may be required. This will be seen as ‘alternative classes’ and so clause above will apply.
  • GCSE Dance classes. This is 2 year commitment course and is payable monthly 12 months of the year. However, we understand that sometimes circumstances change. Therefore, notice to leave can be confirmed in writing and this period is set at 3 months fees. A separate registration and agreement is signed and agreed for these classes.

Notice to Stop Classes

  • If a pupil does not wish to continue with a class/classes, notice must be given in the half term we are in and prior to the next half term starting. If no notice is given fees will become due on the first day of the term and must be paid, regardless of whether your child returns to classes.
  • Notice must be given via email to – a message should not be given via another parent or class teachers.

Permissions and Consent

  • All teachers of our classes are First Aid trained. It is agreed that, by attending our classes (and consent on Registration Form), should your child need medical attention or first aid (and if needed an ambulance) your permission to help them is assumed. Parents must notify us in writing to opt out of this agreement.
  • Photographic: With consent (as given on our Registration Form). On occasion photographs and videos of classes and performances of pupils may be used. This may include Dance JAM Academy social media, website, leaflets and local press. If parents, guardians or family members are invited to watch classes, they must ONLY take photos of the child they a there to watch.
  • Dance Tuition/Corrections: In lessons it is sometimes necessary for the teacher to have physical contact with a pupil in order to correct faults in technique. For example, moving an arm or a leg into the right position, or holding a foot in the right place etc.
  • ZOOM lessons: Should your child attend a Zoom lesson with us, you must adhere to the following:
    • If your child is under 16 parents should ensure they are present to supervise their child.
    • All attendees must be visible on entry to the online lesson or they will be removed from the lesson.
    • These online lessons will be communicated via email only with a link and a password, which must not be shared.
    • By joining you have made sure there is enough space to move safely, we recommend at least 4 square metres (2m x 2m) and at least 2 metres of head height (floor to ceiling), per participant. Move things to the side of the room, if possible to create enough space to move safely. Make sure the floor surface is suitable and is not slippery.
    • Late participants may not be accepted into the class for health and safety reasons.
    • The teacher may conduct classes with Video’s ON or Video’s OFF and similarly with Microphones ON or OFF. With videos ON the teacher and pupils will be able to see each other. If a parent decides that they do not wish their child’s video to be on, and therefore not visible to the teacher or to the others in the class, they may elect to turn their child’s video off themselves. If you keep your child’s Video ‘ON’ please ensure that the background is clear and free from display of sensitive information. A parent may also select to turn their child’s microphone ‘OFF’, so that their child cannot be heard by the teacher or the rest of the class.
    • By participating in the lesson you understand that we cannot completely control the peripheral activity in a home/place of transmission of the tutorial. On-line technology requires the use of a webcam, so we recommend that you have good computer security software installed. A good security suite includes antivirus, antispyware and a firewall amongst other tools. We also recommend that you ensure your wireless network has strong security settings and a – good password.
    • Participation in on-line tutorials is at your own risk, neither Dance JAM Academy nor its teachers can accept liability for damage or injury howsoever caused. Enrolment for and attendance at classes indicates acceptance of these terms.